Homework 4

Due: Wednesday, 10/4

Read and complete Maps.v and Imp.v.

Following the instructions in the file, complete all 1-, 2-, and 3-star exercises in Maps.v and Imp.v, up to but not including the section (in Imp.v) marked "Additional Exercises". You may skip those exercises marked "optional" or "advanced".

At the top of your Maps.v, make sure to add a README that states whether you received any help from classmates and if so, from whom and on what. In the README write how many exercises you completed (e.g., "I completed all required exercises and about half of the EC ones").

EC: You may additionally complete *all* the exercises in the files listed above for a small amount of extra credit! — if you do these exercises, put something like "I completed the EC" somewhere in your README.

Once you're done, submit through Blackboard the two files listed above before the beginning of class on the due date.